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Ideal love©

"He's gone, and tomorrow is February 14. Valentine's Day. Charity will arrive then with her cool hands and her sweet voice. I will teach her how to operate me and how to care for me. What do looks matter when our personalities will resonate?
 I will say to her, "I am Joe, and you are my true love." I. Asimov "True love"

The most powerful machine
Started up with empty screen,
Ran a multiple review,
Having filtered quite a few

Pretty candidates for love,
Listing top things all above.
Then it sorted out the queue,
Having chosen best IQ,

Checking only beauty queens
Fond of very "haute cuisines",
Optimizing weight and age
Till the winner came on stage.

As the programmer was gone,
The computer was alone,
Transferred binary code through,
Said, "My lady, I love you".

Сертификат публикации: № 764-1404160046-13388

Text Copyright © SunLightE
Copyright © 2014 Романтическая Коллекция

14 Декабря 2014

Авторами: 10
Гостями: 2549

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